We’re just a couple of non-planners who decided to move to Europe for a year(ish). We’re taking the time to learn new languages, get a little R&R, and explore the world. It’s had some challenges, but without a doubt, this has been the adventure of a lifetime. Thankfully, it isn’t over yet.
From November 2017 to July 2018, we lived in Málaga, Spain. We have many dear friends in Málaga, and it truly felt like home. In August 2018, we moved to Berlin, Germany. We survived the grey Berlin winter and are now enjoying the long summer days.
In our time abroad, we’ve visited lots of cities in Spain and Germany and have been fortunate to travel around Europe. So far, we’ve been to 14 countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, England, France, Iceland, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland. We’re hoping to see a few more.
As we “planned” this trip, we shared an open invitation to family and friends to come visit us any time. Happily, lots of you have taken us up on the offer, and we hope even more of you might have the chance! Nothing makes us happier than sharing this adventure with people we care about.
See you soon! - ¡Hasta pronto! - Bis bald!
This blog seemed like a great idea when we were thinking about our travels. Excitedly, I started strong… and quickly lost steam. I do get waves of motivation and have lots of posts in the works. So I won’t promise to keep it updated on a rigorous schedule, but if you check back every now and then, there should be something new.